The smartspider is a graphical visualisation of the political profiles of the candidates and users based on their answers to the questionnaire. Each of the 6 axes represents a formulated goal in a policy area (e.g. Welfare state, Law & order etc.) based on at least three questions from the questionnaire. A few questions have been assigned to multiple axes and some questions have not been assigned to any axis. For each axis a value of between 100 and 0 points can be reached. A value of 100, at the outside edge of the spider, represents strong agreement with the formulated goal of the corresponding axis. A value of 0, in the centre of the spider, means that there is no agreement with the formulated goal. The more similar the political profiles of a candidate and user are, the more their smartspiders will overlap. For more information on the smartspider and which questions are assigned with which axes, see the methodology page.