Bill Stefaniak
Australian Capital Territory (ACT) | Belco Party 
Electorate: Ginninderra
Residence: Narrabundah
Profession: Former Public Prosecutor, Solicitor, Part-time President (ACAT), Former part-time senior member (AAT Sydney)
Current political position(s): Convener and cofounder, Belco Party
Select genderMale
Year of birth: 1952
After years in the ACTLA as a former Minister and Opposition leader, I left the Assembly in 2008 to take up a position in ACAT. Over the last few years my wife and I have become more and more disillusioned with ACT politics. She encouraged me to have another go and run for my old seat in Belconnen, neglected by the current government who are more concerned with governing for inner city elites. The Belco Party aims to "keep the bastards honest" and provide good governance to the people of the ACT
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 Bill Stefaniak
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 Bill Stefaniak
Housing, Land Planning & Infrastructure
1. Should the government release more land to build houses in the ACT?
The ACT will continue to grow and will need more land releases to allow a mix of greenfield and medium density development
Definitely yes
Mostly yes
Mostly no
Definitely no
2. Should Stage 2 of Canberra's light rail system commence as soon as possible?
It is a can have not a must have and we need to have a good hard look at what is the best transport option for the ACT for the next 100 years . Light rail is old technology and may well be replaced with more efficient modern technology . There are much cheaper alternatives being used in other cities around the world at present which could provide a better service at a fraction of the cost . It is a vanity project of Messrs Rattenbury and Barr. We can do better .
3. Is it necessary to relax heritage protections of buildings to promote development in the ACT?
we don't have much heritage . its important to keep as much as we realistically can
4. Should landlords be prohibited from evicting a tenant without cause?
we need to bring our laws into line with NSW. The RTA is weighted heavily in favour of tenants as it is . Some times a landlord and a tenant simply don't get on. At any rate a landlord cannot evict a tenant without cause for the term of the lease Its only when the lease becomes a periodic tenancy that the landlord can give the tenant 6 months notice ( in NSW its 3 months ) I used to do this for a living as a President at ACAT .so I have a fair amounut of experience in this area .
5. Do you think increasing the ACT's population is needed for our economic growth?
Social Policy
Taxation & the Economy
Political System
Energy & the Environment