David Pollard
Australian Capital Territory (ACT) | David Pollard Independent 
Electorate: Yerrabi
Residence: Crace
Profession: Software Engineer
Current political position(s): Independent Candidate
Select genderMale
Year of birth: 1982
A locally focussed Independent can bring attention to local issues that are neglected by the major parties, while adding scrutiny to Canberra-wide issues. As an Independent, David will be influencing how policies are made, regardless of what that policy is. He values evidence-based policy and strong community engagement. Integrity is a cornerstone of David’s personal and professional life, and his campaign. He values honesty and transparency, and hopes to restore trust in local government.
© / www.sotomo.ch255075100InclusivityEconomic LiberalismLaw & OrderTraditionalismWelfare StateEnvironmental Protection
 David Pollard
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 David Pollard
Housing, Land Planning & Infrastructure
1. Should the government release more land to build houses in the ACT?
One factor in housing affordability is supply VS demand. The government maintains a particular level of supply for projected demand. I believe this ratio is off and needs to be adjusted in favour of supply. There are also other ways to increase supply in relation to demand such as micro-densification near local amenities.
Definitely yes
Mostly yes
Mostly no
Definitely no
2. Should Stage 2 of Canberra's light rail system commence as soon as possible?
I support a Canberra-wide Light Rail network if "as soon as possible" does not mean "at any cost". Two major factors have changed since the decision for stage 2 was made. Firstly, the ACT Government expected a Federal Labor Party victory in 2019 and a more cooperative Federal Government to work on NCA land. Secondly, COVID-19 has drastically changed what public transport use in Canberra looks like. Neither of these should stop the Light Rail roll out, but they are reasons to reflect.
3. Is it necessary to relax heritage protections of buildings to promote development in the ACT?
We need to strengthen our heritage and indigenous protection and enshrine them in our planning legislation. Currently, heritage and indigenous protections are often an afterthought, as demonstrated by the Doma Group's Foothills development at the base of Mount Ainslie. We can still develop Canberra while protecting our heritage.
4. Should landlords be prohibited from evicting a tenant without cause?
I strongly believe in the tenant's rights and believe that their rental is their home. I also see circumstances where a landlord should have the right to end a tenancy in accordance with the law. 26 weeks' notice to evict without cause, being the longest notice period in Australia, seems a fair compromise between tenant and landlord rights. I do not support evictions in retaliation for tenants exercising their rights, such as raising maintenance issues.
5. Do you think increasing the ACT's population is needed for our economic growth?
I have no problem with ACT's population growing in a sustainable way. I do not think we need to rely on the population for our economic growth. When we do have population growth, we should certainly leverage it to grow the economy too, but it should not be a driving factor. Canberra is an intelligent and educated population. We should be able to grow our information and knowledge-based economy. We should always aim to develop within our means, especially when considering our environment.
Social Policy
Taxation & the Economy
Political System
Energy & the Environment